Studio Deussen
Film, Animation, Photography & VR
From Berlin to the world
Portfolio & Description
Just at the on-set of the digital wave rolling through the photo and media industry Studio Deussen was founded and ready to surf on that wave. Since then Studio Deussen offers a wide range of creative and productions services to its international clients. Through his art projects and numerous ongoing discussions with fellow artist Tim Deussen continually broadens his creative horizon. This gives Studio Deussen the unique possibility to inject the creative input into the project of their clients, creating the edge they need to be visible in our media driven world. Studio Deussen can move your project from the first idea to the finished work of art. To achieve this Tim Deussen listens carefully to the needs and ideas of his clients. Distilling those with the tools of his craft into a unique artistic blend, that has the authentic flavor of it`s original idea. For Tim Deussen creating works of art, realizing professional shoots or developing stunning animations is not a one man show. In order to realize the broad range of projects Studio Deussen works on, he teams up with the best creative talents around. It’s the dialogue with his clients and the creative team that inspires the projects of Studio Deussen to break the limits.